working with clay

Working with clay allows me to explore my fascination with surface design through textures and natural patterns. I began studying ceramics late in my career during night classes and became immediately captivated by the hand-building process. My initial goal with clay was to “loosen up” my approach to working and move beyond my previous focus on planned precision that was required during a professional career in graphic design. I teeter between both working styles, and my inner voice reminds me to move on and try new things.

Unlike in past decades, when I focused on satisfying client demands, a clay project starts with setting simple parameters for myself. The designs evolve organically during the production process. I strive to create shapes that are decorative, functional, and playful. My deep love for the creative process inspires me each day.

As a proud Associate member of The Clay Studio in Philadelphia, I aim to keep growing with clay. Stay tuned for my next exciting adventure into digital clay. The “made + found” gallery showcases my handmade ceramic objects alongside found items. When these pieces are spontaneously arranged into still lifes, the purpose of my scavenging becomes remarkably clear.

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